FUN FACT: 🌵 In addition to the iconic saguaro cacti, Phoenix is also home to various other types of cacti, including the barrel cactus, cholla cactus, and prickly pear cactus


Luci’s Urban Concepts took customers' favorite things about Luci’s Marketplace and Luci’s at the Orchard and combined them to create Luci's at the Grove.

The newest Luci’s, located in Scottsdale, is a bright, warm, and welcoming space that is well-loved by the surrounding community.

The amazing 1,200 square foot patio has a built in fireplace, misters and heaters.

You can visit us in the morning for some great coffee and a warm, delicious pastry, and then come back in the evening for a tasty glass of wine and some pizza.

Everyone is welcome at the Grove!

Special Promos

🔑 Features

Kids Menu
Outdoor Seating
High Chairs
Changing Tables

📆 Upcoming Events

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🗒 Other Listings

Luci's at the Orchard

Cafe, Coffee and Juice Bar

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Splash Pad

📋 Quick Info


Contact Business

(480) 687-8900

📍 Location

7400 N Via Paseo Del Sur, Scottsdale, AZ 85258

⏰ Hours

Everyday 7am - 3pm